Jukebox History 1952-1998
Silver Age of jukeboxes is often described as the period starting with
the first 100-selection phonograph, Seeburg M-100-A and -B, introduced
by the J. P. Seeburg Corporation in 1948/49, and ending with the last models
with visible record changing mechanism in the early sixties. However, it is
interesting to note that the first real chrome Silver Age boxes were
introduced around 1952, one year after the death of the leading designer of the
Golden Age, Paul M. (Malt) Fuller. He died at the Millard Fillmore Hospital in Buffalo on the 29th March, 1951, only 54 years of age.
the early years of the fifties the Seeburg Corporation (founded in 1902)
produced nice machines with pilastres and visible
mechanisms, and none of the models had names with the previously used Symphonola prefix. The first one was model
M-100-C of 1952, known from the M.A.S.H. series on
television, and after that came the somewhat similar HF-100-G and W-100
models of 1953. Very nice jukeboxes and after that a new style in design was
tried out. The models HF-100-R Bandshell and HF-100-J of 1954
had a boomerang-shaped top section, and beautiful as they were they became
quite popular in cafés and diners. In 1955 the Seeburg company introduced the
first American 200-selection jukebox, the model V-200 / VL-200
with Dual Music System, often nicknamed the Towel-rail. At
this point in the mid-fifties the company was hit by litigation under the
Sherman Anti-Trust Act and found guilty of operating a closed network of
operators and distributors which was judged to impose unreasonable restraint on
other tradesmen. Anyway, none of the jukebox cabinets mentioned so far was ever design
patented, but it is obvious that they represented a new line after the Symphonolas designed by Nels A. Miller. The next industrial designer to be
a well-known jukebox trend-setter for Seeburg was Carl W. Sundberg. It is quite clear that the KD-200
and the L-series of 1957 came from his drawing-board, but his first
patented design was filed in November 1958. The cabinet of model 222 /
220 was the first in a series of patented Sundberg designs in the early
sixties. In the autumn 1956 the Seeburg family sold out the company activities
to the investor Delbert W. Coleman and the Fort Pitt Industries headed
by Michael Berardino, and in 1964 the Seeburg
Corporation took over the Williams company from industry investors, the
Commonwealth United Corp. and the XCor International
Inc., and in 1977 the company itself was renamed XCor
International (but still known also as the Seeburg Industries). It seems that
the Seeburg company was sold again due to financial difficulties among the
investors in 1979/80 to become the Seeburg Division of the Stern Electronics
Inc. (until March
1984). Williams was
extricated at that time. The founder of the Seeburg company, Justus Percival Seeburg (born 20th April, 1871), immigrated
to the States in September 1886, and took the name Seeburg when he was granted
American citizenship on the 15th October 1892. Justus P. Seeburg married Adolphine, born in Skövde
in Sweden, on the 5th June 1896. Many people immigrated to the States
during those days, usually arriving by boat and passing the Statue of Liberty on their way
to Ellis Island. Today Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty are reminders
that the United States is truly a country of immigrants. Justus P. Seeburg passed away on the 21st October,
the same period in the early Silver Age, after a difficult start with
the models 1432 Rocket, 1434 Super Rocket, and 1436
Fireball, the Rock-Ola Manufacturing Corporation tried to compete with the
Seeburg Corporation, introducing the 1438 Comet in 1953. The cabinet for
the Comet was designed by Chick Waltman. After the Comet line
Rock-Ola produced the models, 1442 and 1446, that also looked
very much like the Seeburgs. These were not design
patented, and the same was the case with the models 1448, 1452
and 1454, which were produced with minor changes until 1956. The three
models were together with the later Tempo series the high points
amongst Rock-Ola's output during the Silver Age. After the
1954-56 models came the non-patented models 1455-S and 1458,
and finally in 1959 the first and only 'new' David C. Rockola
design patented wall-mounted model 1464 was produced.
Paul M. Fuller left The Rudolph Wurlitzer Company, and Joseph J. Clement (designer of Wurlitzer’s
smallest barbox, model 2140 nicknamed Frogbox, with Harry C. Kline Jr. in 1947) had taken over the designing
responsibility, there were many new ideas how to catch up with the 100
selections offered by Seeburg. The company introduced several complicated
add-on bits to the Simplex mechanism (including the WurliMagic
Brain system for the model 1500 to play both 78 and 45rpm
records), but most of the models, 1250 of 1950 through 1650A
of 1953, failed in the competition. When the new 104-selection model 1700 was
introduced in 1954 with a new mechanism developed by Michael J. Corbett Jr., Fred H. Osborne, and Robert S. Tuttle, the company was at a turning
point, and finally in 1956, the centenary year of the company, a new elegantly
styled 200-selection model 2000 Centennial, came out from the factory.
None of the Silver Age models from Wurlitzer were design patented, but
it was difficult for competitors to copy the cabinets because these were well
matched with the patented '2000' carousel mechanism, including the new selector unit developed by John
H. Riggs. The phonograph line was at the
time accompanied by the nice multi-selector remote controls 5205-5207
developed and patented by Robert G. Gaul. The company continued with the new
elegant style until late in 1957, when the less expensive model 2150
was introduced. After that the Wurlitzers, the models 2200 through 2250,
became less elegant in square cabinets, and the next line of remote control
units was developed and patented by William S. McVetty. The company was ready for the next
decade, the sixties, with a lot of box-shaped jukebox cabinets. However, it is
important to mention that the German branch of the company, Deutsche Wurlitzer
GmbH, was founded in 1960, and that the European branch started production of
the Lyric in 1961. The Lyric was produced with modifications
until 1973. During the fifties and sixties Farny Reginald Wurlitzer (born 7th December 1883, deceased
6th May 1972) headed the main company as the last of the three brothers, who
had inherited the company after its founder, Franzis Rudolph Wurlitzer, born in Schilbach
(Schöneck) in Saxony (born 1st February 1831,
deceased 14th January 1914). The other two brothers in the second generation
heading the company were Howard Eugene Wurlitzer (born 5th September 1871, deceased
30th October 1928) and Rudolph Henry Wurlitzer (born 31st December 1873, deceased
27th May 1948). Two important leading men, who deserve to be mentioned in
connection with the Golden Era of WurliTzer, were the
general manager and company president Reuben C. Rolfing (1891-1974), who joined the company
in 1934, and the plant manager and vice president Carl E. Johnson (1895-1971) at the North Tonawanda
Division until he retired in 1949.
In order to continue the line of the most important jukebox manufacturers of the Silver
Age it is now time for a few words about the company AMI, The Automatic
Musical Instrument Inc., in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Like the other two big manufacturers AMI was caught a
little off guard when Seeburg introduced the 100-selection model in 1948/49,
but it was somewhat easier to increase the number of selections on the 'Model
500 Record Changer' up to a total of 120 selections in 45rpm in the models
E-120, F-120, and G-120 of the period 1953 until
1956, until a new carousel mechanism was introduced for model G-200 of
1956. The 'Model 500 Record Changer' was based on two original patents
filed in October, 1946, by Anthony M. Kasnowich
and by Harry H. Vanderzee
and Robert A. McCallum.
Both rather important patents were assigned to AMI and finally granted in April
1953 and January 1954. The new speaker system was developed and patented by
Charles S. Brown, and the
design patent for the mighty model G-200 was filed in September 1955
by Melvin Herman Boldt (1917-1981). Melvin H. Boldt
then carried on with the line of eye-catching H-, I-, Jubilee-
and K-cabinets of 1957-1960 (the G-, H- and the Jubilee-models
were copied by European license holders). As the noted president of AMI, John W. Haddock
(1904-1998), who had acquired control of the company in May 1945, decided to
retire from the jukebox business in 1961, and the Automatic Canteen Company of
America took over the company administration, a new designer, Jack R. Mell,
was consulted. Jack Robert Mell would soon come up with a strange but beautiful
patented cabinet design. When John Wolcott
Haddock took control in 1945, he was president of the Farrel-Birmingham Co. in
Ansonia, Connecticut, and formerly he was vice president of the Sullivan
Machinery Co. in Michigan City, Indiana. After leaving the jukebox industry
John W. Haddock lived in Scottsdale in Arizona, and there he lost his wife
Gladys to cancer on the 30th January 1972 (Gladys
Elizabeth Moffett, born on the 28th August 1898). Gladys (Baxter) had been a
popular opera singer/actress in the 1920s and early 1930s before she married
John on the 2nd October 1935. John W. Haddock passed
away on the 15th March 1998 in La Jolla, California.
of the most remarkable manufacturers of the Silver Age, the United
Music Corporation, came up with a line of four models in the late fifties. The United Mfg. Co. was founded in
1942 by two former employees of the Exhibit Supply Co. founded 1901 by J. Frank Meyer in Chicago. Exhibit Supply Co. made
a commercial phonograph designed by Leo J. Kelly in the mid-thirties. Harry E.
Williams, who had been active as innovator and developer of gaming machines
since 1934, was an educated engineer from Stanford University, Los Angeles, and
during the working hours at Exhibit Supply Co. at 4222-30 West Lake Street he
met the mechanical genius Lyndon A. Durant, who had been a radio salesman in
his younger years in Springfield, Massachusetts. Harry E. Williams became
rather impressed by Lyndon A. Durantˈs designs
for gaming apparatus, and when the time was right, they both left the Exhibit
Supply Co., and established their own manufacturing facilities at 6123-25 North
Western Avenue in Chicago to refurbish old games and to obtain wartime
manufacturing contracts. The
first two United Silver Age
jukeboxes, the UPA-100 and UPB-100, and the carousel
mechanism and finally the design for the Ultra Compact Wall-Box
resulted in four patents filed by Lyndon A. Durant. It is interesting that Lyndon A. Durant was personally
involved in thermal electronics research by partly funding the inventor and
pioneer in electronics Lee de Forestˈs experiments in his Californian
laboratory from 1950 until 1958. However, the studio of Raymond Loewy is often related to the design of
the United series, but the official name on the patents is Lyndon
Alfred Durant. The
industrial design legend Raymond Loewy was one of the architects of the American
Streamline Movement, and his style surely influenced the design of the
United jukeboxes, and he actually owned one in his New York studio apartment.
The models, UPA-100, UPB-100, UPC-100, and UPD-100,
produced from 1957 until 1961 never became a success, as they were almost
unrivalled in the capacity to radiate absolutely nothing, and the Seeburg
Corporation finally bought the United company in 1964, and also about the same
time took over control of Williams Mfg. Co. originally founded by the pinball
innovator Harry E.
Involved in the process were two experienced coin-op men,
the former owner of Williams and now president of the subsidiary, Sam Stern, and the vice-president in charge of
sales and marketing at Seeburg Corp., Bill Adair, who became elected president of
the corporation in 1966. Sam Stern was put in charge of the new United Games
subsidiary and remained with the Seeburg Corp. until 1969.
few of the minor American productions in the early fifties can be added here.
The Ristaucrat company, founded by Gustave W. Ristau and managed by his three sons
Alfred G., Harold W., and Arnold E. Ristau had been active in the very early thirties,
but the depression forced them to stop production and sell the Paul H. Smythe Jr. patented mechanism to the Rock-Ola
Manufacturing Company. Again in 1950 through 1954 they tried to find a market
for small inexpensive machines with the Ristaucrat
45 and S-45, but like the Chicago Coin Hit Parade
designed by Jerry C. Koci and the Williams Music Mite
designed by Edward J. Collins there was no immediate nation-wide
success although it seems they took the largest share of the market. Later they
even tried with a new concept and made a limited number of 50 Ristaucrat 100 models for export. In the
early sixties they tried again with a new style Melodie-Vendor, made
by Vend-It Corporation in Appleton, but still without noticeable success, and
they ceased production of jukeboxes completely in 1964. The firm H. C. Evans
& Co. took over the phonograph division of the Mills Novelty Company in December 1948, and continued to produce the Constellation
model in 1951. After that the company produced the models Jubilee, Century,
Holiday, and Jewel until March 1955, when the inventory of
the phonograph division was sold to investor José Tabachnik and Abraham Grinberg, head of the agency Mills Panoramic
in Mexico City, and the firm was liquidated. The machinery from the factory was
then moved to facilities two miles outside Mexico City to become the first real
jukebox manufacturing plant in the country,
Fonógrafos Automáticos
Evans S.A., not to be confused with Casa Riojas founded by José Riojas in Mexico City, that assembled thousands of Wurlitzer 1015 and 1100
models in the late forties. The product names
series of jukeboxes from Belgium deserve to be mentioned in this chapter. The
first limited series to be mentioned, the Tonecolor
models, was manufactured by the electrical engineer Louis Dilis, who founded
the Dilis Algemene Televisie
en Radio-onderneming in
1947 in Mortsel, and the cabinet maker Willy Toebosch,
who was connected to the furniture company s.a. Ameublement
G. A. Toebosch in 1952 in Antwerp. Into the company
came the young Paul van Rompaey (1926-1997),
who was employed by the Dilis company as shop foreman, and he stayed with the
company in Mortsel for 35 years. The first "Tonecolor"
jukeboxes were planned in 1953, and soon the 100-selection model J-32 for magnetic tape play was produced
and marketed, and then in 1954 followed by the almost iconic 50 selection model
J-34 for 45rpm records. Later a model
J-35 and a model Melodie with 80 selections were introduced. The production of
jukeboxes took place at the Dilis facilities for about ten years until 1963 in
the name of N.V. Suggest-Toebosch. However, the name
was changed in August 1956 to be simply N.V. Suggest. The only known patent for
the "Tonecolor" mechanism was filed in
Belgium by Louis Dilis but also filed for patent by Willy Toebosch
in France in June 1956. The patent was published in May 1958. The other
important series of jukeboxes to be mentioned here came from the major
manufacturer Éts. Rennotte Selecteurs Automatiques de Disques founded on the 7th
October, 1953, by Ernest Adolphe Louis Rennotte
in Gembloux. The first Rennotte jukeboxes made in
1956, the model CM-30 with patented
mechanism had 30 selections, and in 1958 two first-rate jukeboxes with 80
selections were introduced, the CM-80
floor and wall-mounted models. The series of Rennotte
jukeboxes of Belgian origin based on patents filed in France in 1954 and 1959
stopped around 1960/61, and Ernest (Bob)
Rennotte moved to Madrid in Spain around 1964, after
divorcing his wife Anne Andre, to continue as designer in cooperation with Juán Paredes
Hernández at PETACO (Procedimientos Electromagnéticos de Tanteo
y Color SA). A company founded in 1958, and officially licensed in March
1962, manufacturing a line of jukeboxes, pinballs, and arcade machines until
around 1982. Involved
in the founding and management of PETACO was also the Belgian born investor
Juan Pedro Van den Bergh, who was vice-president of the
company for several years in the mid-sixties. Van den Bergh, married
to Salud born in Sevilla, finally asked for and received citizenship in Spain on the 16th October 1986. The parts for the
mechanisms of the Rennotte styled jukeboxes
(1962-1969) were produced at the facilities in Gembloux in Belgium and then
assembled with Spanish cabinets in Madrid. Ernest Adolphe Louis Rennotte
died aged 71 in Madrid on the 27th April 1984, and Juán
Paredes Hernández
unfortunately died aged only 59 in an automobile accident in Sevilla on the
11th September 1987. The "Tonecolor" and
"Rennotte" jukeboxes are
considered to be some of the best and typical of the era designed
jukeboxes of the Silver Age and loved by collectors in Europe.
A major competitor to PETACO mentioned above was also located in the
Madrid area. The competitor was GEDASA (General Espańola de
Automáticos SA), a company that produced a line of Sinfonola and a
few Embajador
jukeboxes from 1959 until 1977. The company was founded in 1957 on the basis of
a huge investment raised by the well reputed lawyer Antonio Pedrol
Rius, who was
specialized in commercial law. The Chairman of the Board of Directors was for
many years Pedro Nieto Antúnez, who was
a political figure for decades, an Admiral, and Ministro de la Marina from July
1962 until October 1969. First the office of the GEDASA company was registered
at 10 Calle de San Quintin until around 1963, and then at 73 Calle de Valderribas until the company ended production around 1977.
The engineer and designer Jaime Isern Miralles from Barcelona was consulted in
the late fifties and early sixties. However, Jaime Isern
Miralles passed away in Madrid on the 3rd November 1968 (born 1892), and his involvement in the production in Madrid has so
far not been researched. In 1978 the GEDASA facilities were taken over by the
pinball manufacturer INDER (Industria Electromecánica
de Recreativos SA), and two Sinfonola
jukeboxes were made from 1978 until 1980. The pinball manufacturer INDER was
established in 1965, managed for many years by Francisco Maestre, and
ended activities in 1993. The history of the pinball industry is well
researched by collectors and historians and can be found online, and in great
Schiffer Books by Marco Rossignoli and Michael
on to the sixties in America the design of music machines became quite
different, and a lot of design patents were filed to protect the models in
competition with the few other big manufacturers on the American market.
Especially AMI, now also by the name of Rowe/AMI, and Seeburg used the right to
design patent the cabinets. At AMI the two distinct designs for XJ
Continental and XJ Lyric were filed for patent in
August, 1960, by Jack R. Mell. The XJ Continental is
often referred to as the Radar, and both the Lyric and the
Continental are much loved today by collectors and enthusiasts. After the
two models designed by Jack Robert Mell (patents granted in 1962), Melvin H. Boldt took over the trend-setting again
at Rowe/AMI, and design patented the following models through the sixties: JAL-200
and JEL-200 (1963), JBM Tropicana (1964), JAN Diplomat
(1965), Wall-ette (remote control unit
developed by Roger J. Hendricks and Edwin J. Piersma), MM-1 Music Merchant
(1967), CMM-1 Cadette (1968), MM-2 Music Master (1968). After
the Music Master the official name of the product line was simply
Rowe, and Melvin H. Boldt design patented the following models from 1969 until
1973: MM-3 Music Miracle (1969), MM-4 Trimount (1970) named
in honour of Rowe's New England dealer team, MM-5 President Line
(1971), the RI-1 line and the TI-1 line (1973). After that
Melvin H. Boldt designed the following models around 1980/81: R-82 Woodhue (1980), R-83 Claremont (1981), and
finally the R-84 Prelude (1981). Year in parenthesis indicates the
year the patent was granted. One Rowe design of the era, however, had other
names attached to it: The front panel for the CDII Cadette de Luxe Violetta
was filed for design patent by Walter L. Koch and Robert P. Franklin in 1971 and the patent was granted
in 1973. Most models of the eighties clearly show the lines from the
Boldt-designed boxes. Some trendy styles were the R-85 Starlight
(1981), R-86 Blue Magic (1982), and the Sapphire series (R-87
through R-92) leading to the new compact-disc era of jukeboxes that
started around 1987.
Seeburg the following models were design patented by Carl W. Sundberg in the
very early sixties: Q100 and Q160 (1960) plus the 3W100
Wall-O-Matic (remote control unit, 1960). James (Jack) Cameron Gordon (sales president) and Theodore A.
Dobson, however, designed the DS100 and DS160 (1962). Mahlon W. Kenney (principal engineer for decades)
and Carl W. Sundberg designed the following remote control unit, the Consolette
SCH-1 (1963), and Carl W. Sundberg and Theodore A. Dobson designed the LPC-1 and
LPC-1R phonograph cabinets (1963). The following model, the LPC-480,
was designed by William C. Prutting (1964). William G. Broman and Theodore A.
Dobson designed the PFEAIU Electra and APFEAI Fleetwood
(1965/66) and after that Carl W. Sundberg designed both the SS-160 Stereo
Showcase (1967) and the S-100 Phono-Jet (1967). It is interesting
to note that the Phono-Jet model came out as a mirror image of the
patented design. After the 1967 models Raoul E. Rodriguez and Carl W. Sundberg
designed the LS1 Spectra (1968), and Carl W. Sundberg alone designed
the following two models, the LS2 Gem (1969) and LS3 Apollo
(1970). The Golden Jet (1970) was designed by William G. Broman. In 1971 Carl W. Sundberg finally
assigned the patent for the Seeburg Apollo Consolette (a wall mounted
selector unit) to the production company Walter E. Heller & Co. in
of the models from the other two big jukebox companies, the Rock-Ola
Manufacturing Corporation and The Rudolph Wurlitzer Company, were design
patented in the sixties and seventies. It seems strange because there were so
many models produced at both companies. It seems that the major manufacturers
including Rock-Ola and Wurlitzer were slightly behind the current design trends
in the late sixties and early seventies. It was obvious, however, that the
cabinet design was considered an important component of the complete product
when sound transmission really was a factor. Plastic, that had been at first a
novelty, was in the sixties a necessary component material, but jukeboxes were
moved from one location to the other and literally had to be built to withstand
the beating they were constantly subjected to during transport. At Wurlitzer it
was simply a matter of building a cabinet with or without plastic that enhanced
the tone, protected the mechanism, was durable, attractive, and that would
blend with any location decor, and still allowed the finished jukebox to be
sold at a reasonable price. In the sixties Wurlitzer produced several
box-shaped machines, for example models 2600 through 3000,
the 3100 Americana, the Satellite, and finally 3600 SuperStar and 3700 Americana III. The last
try by Wurlitzer came in 1973/74 with the unique limited edition revival of
vintage phonograph styling, the model 1050 Nostalgia using the
electromechanical selector unit, known as Wurlamatic,
developed by Frank B.
and Ronald P. Eberhardt around 1967 (patent filed 1st
March, 1967). The 1050 Nostalgia is often referred to as the 'swan
song' for the American Wurlitzer (production run of 2,000 ended in December
1973), and the company finally stopped production with the model
however, never stopped production although the cabinets became very discreet,
designed to blend into the background rather than be the focus of attention.
During the sixties, through the seventies, and into the eighties the company
produced a lot of models. The 418 Rhapsody II of 1964 was the last one
of the era with visible mechanism through the front
glass. After that came the following models, all with the new Mech-O-Matic
mechanism: 426 Grand Prix, 429 Starlet, 431
history of the audio/visual jukeboxes of the sixties is also rather
interesting. There were a few registered and patented designs in the States and
were also a few other important patented European jukebox designs of the
sixties and seventies. The first one that deserves to be mentioned here is the
design for the Chantal Panoramic (also called Enigma or Météore) by André Alexandre Dériaz
of Morat (Murten) in Switzerland. The design for the Gramophone
Automatique (the Chantal Panoramic) was
filed for patent on the 10th April, 1959, and extended
in 1964 (ending 1969). The model is often referred to as the Ice-cream cone
and has acquired cult status among collectors today. The Chantal was
produced for nearly a decade until the early or mid-sixties by different
companies. First of all of course by the company Derac
S.A. in Morat, Switzerland, headed by André Alexandre Dériaz and Jean Thčodore
Foufounis (represented by the firm Padorex
S.A. in Lausanne), then on license by Ets. G.B.G. in
Courbevoie, a western suburb to Paris in France (represented by the firm
S.E.M., Société des Electrophones Météore, 8 rue de Montyon in Paris), and finally on license by the British
firm Frenchay Products Co., Small Street, St. Philips
in Bristol, headed by engineer David H. C. Fry (1918-1967), which was also known
for production of aircraft components (represented by the firm Chantal Ltd.,
Station Road, Kingswood in Bristol). The history of the Chantal, named
after Jean Foufounis' wife, Chantal Sordoillet, is well described in the book "Swiss
Jukebox Art" by Franz Urs Linder. The Chantal
is also claimed to have been the world's first 200-selection jukebox, as it was
tested in a restaurant in 1954 (a year before the Seeburg Corporation
introduced the model V-
the latter half of the eighties, in 1986/87, the Deutsche Wurlitzer GmbH tried
again with the Paul M. Fuller nostalgic design, marketing the Wurlitzer
1015 OMT (One More Time).
The reinvention of the old Fuller design was a brainchild of the general
manager Hans Domberg, and the new model became an immediate success. The OMT-model
was introduced with a new compact-disc mechanism in 1989. In the late nineties
the American main office of the Wurlitzer Jukebox Company moved to Gurnee in
Illinois, but the production facility was still located in Stemwede-Levern
in Germany. Rock-Ola, however, tried in 1987 as mentioned previously with a new
version of the 1973 Wurlitzer 1050 design and called it the Rock-Ola
Nostalgia 1000. Although the 160-selection model was introduced late autumn
1986 as a 'truly sense-sational' model, the cabinet
was still too heavy and did not have the elegance of the classic Wurlitzer
1015 of 1946/47. Today several manufacturers in Europe and
editor will conclude this short historical survey by mentioning, that a rather
interesting design patent was granted in England in the 1994. Stephen Kenneth
Joynes (1950-) from Cheltenham used
the rear of a Morris Mascot (the Mini) as the cabinet for a jukebox, probably
well inspired by the Songbird jukebox introduced in 1989 by the Carson
City Parlour Enterprises in Shakopee, Minnesota (a copy of the tail section of
a classic Ford Thunderbird of 1957). The historical survey has of course not
yet been completed, and it is interesting to note that only a few years ago in
America the Seeburg Manufacturing & Supply Company was rocking the planet
with the newest hi-tech jukebox, the Seeburg Millennium for
the year 2000, and in Europe the British Sound Leisure Ltd. produced an
interesting line of timeless, wall-mounted, high-quality jukeboxes like the Star
Dust, Nite Scene, and Lime Lite models with 21st Century
Mechanism. The mechanism was introduced in 1997 as the simplest commercial
compact-disc mechanism in the world. The other manufacturers of commercial
jukeboxes in both
the above-mentioned models and designs, the following question might still be
asked in the early morning hours among operators and patrons in the
juke-joints: Will there ever again be a new, revolutionary era in jukebox
design? It is the editor's opinion that one of the first steps towards a new
design era was taken in 1998 by Christian Bökenkamp in
Gert J. Almind